Surveillance of the shelf sea at the European level
(Dr. HDR Francis Gohin)As part of this course, 6 hours are devoted to applications on the seas and coastal zone using Earth observation data. Satellite data allowing the observation of chlorophyll-a concentration (indicator of phytoplankton biomass), turbidity (indicator of water clarity) and sea surface temperature are studied in the context of European projects such as JMP EUNOSA (Joint Monitoring Programme for assessing the EUtrophication of the NOrth-Sea using SATellite and in situ data, founded by the European Union's Directorate-General for the Environment) and S3-EUROHAB (Interreg France-Channel-England region).
This course develops the data and tools related to:
- Monitoring of coastal areas from space and in situ through relevant projects.
- The challenges of scientific aspect of observation projects, as well as the aspect of regulation through European directives (Water Framework Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive), particularly with regard to the risk of eutrophication and the definition of good ecological status.