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- Narimane ZAABAR

Narimane ZAABAR
PhD student, National School of Hydraulics (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’hydraulique)Research Themes
Synergy of optical and radar satellite data for the study of flood-prone coastal areas in Western Algeria
Narimane ZAABAR studied engineering at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Hydraulique (ENSH, Blida, Algeria), specialising in hydrotechnical structures engineering. She received her engineering degree in September 2015. She also carried out an complementary Master's degree in hydraulics at ENSH (Algeria) in 2016.
In October 2018, Narimane passed a national test to complete a PhD degree, option: planning and hydrotechnical structures. She is now preparing a thesis entitled ''Synergy of optical and radar satellite data for the study of flood-prone coastal areas in Western Algeria''. It is a thesis in co-supervision within the PHC Tassili Project involving ENSH and the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), under the co-direction of Simona Niculescu. The objective of this thesis is the analysis and mapping of flood risk areas on the basis of a hydraulic model using data extracted from European optical and radar satellite imagery in order to develop flood risk prevention plans for a coastal town located in western Algeria.