Soumia Bengoufa
On 28 October 2021, Soumia Bengoufa successfully defended her doctoral thesis in front of a high-level jury. Her thesis, entitled "Contribution of remote sensing methods to the study of coastal vulnerability", is part of a bilateral research project between Algeria (ENSSMAL and ENSH) and France (UBO) under the supervision of Prof. MIHOUBI Mustapha Kamel and DHR. Simona Niculescu. The objective of this thesis is to characterize and evaluate the erosion risk in the coastal areas of Western Algeria, based mainly on the processing of satellite images by new Machine Learning methods. Using the data provided by European satellites, it was possible to develop a system for producing hazard and vulnerability maps that would allow the information to be updated at the scale of the geographical area studied. Soumia has carried out long research mobilities in the LETG-Brest laboratory under the supervision of DHR. Simona Niculescu. The results obtained during her research project have been valorised through several scientific communications and the publication of an original article in the journal Applied Remote Sensing. Soumia defended her thesis with great talent, obtaining a very honourable grade with the congratulations of the jury.